New ECE/ISR alumnus Matteo Mischiati (ECE Ph.D. 2011) is now a postdoctoral fellow in the research group of Anthony Leonardo at Janelia Farm Research Campus, part of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
The Leonardo Lab conducts research in neuroethology, the study of the neural basis of animal behavior. In general, this group studies how behaviors emerge from computations distributed across many neural circuits. Mischiati is working on studies of dragonfly flight behavior.
Mischiati completed his Ph.D. defense at Maryland this fall and was advised by Professor P. S. Krishnaprasad (ECE/ISR).
The Janelia Farm Research Campus in Ashburn, Va., is a world-class biomedical research center where outstanding scientists from diverse disciplines use emerging and innovative technologies to pursue biology's most challenging problems. Research goals include the identification of general principles guiding how information is processed by neuronal circuits, in addition to the development of new imaging technologies and computational methods for image data analysis.
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November 17, 2011