The University of Maryland held the Inaugural Scholarship and Research Celebration on Thursday, May 1, 2008 to honor faculty research across the university. President C. D. Mote, Provost and Senior Vice President Nariman Farvardin, and Vice President for Research Mel Bernstein delivered remarks at the event.
In all, 27 faculty researchers from the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department were honored, representing around 1/8 of those who were recognized at the event, despite the fact that ECE faculty constitute a much smaller proportion among the total faculty population at the University of Maryland.
Those honored on the Scholarship and Research Celebration program included: John Baras, David Barbe, Alexander Barg, Shuvra Bhattacharyya, Rama Chellappa, Mario Dagenais, Christopher Davis, Anthony Ephremides, Reza Ghodssi, Romel Gomez, Victor Granatstein, Bruce Jacob, K. J. Ray Liu, Steve Marcus, Nuno Martins, Isaak Mayergoyz, John Melngailis, Thomas Murphy, Patrick O'Shea, Gang Qu, Martin Reiser, Raj Shekhar, Igor Smolyaninov, Ankur Srivastava, Uzi Vishkin, Edo Waks, and Min Wu, as well as ECE affiliate faculty Michael Fu.
May 2, 2008