A research team that includes Prof. John Baras (ECE/ISR) and Prof. Anthony Ephremides (ECE/ISR) has won a 2008 MURI award for their proposal, titled "MAASCOM : Modeling, Analysis, and Algorithms for Stochastic Control of Multi-Scale Networks." The $6 million grant will fund the research project for three years with the potential for two additional years. The portion of the award going to the University of Maryland is $1,087,337.
This MURI project will be coordinated by Baras and Ephremides from University of Maryland with partnering teams at Ohio State University, led by Dr. Ness Shroff; MIT, led by ECE alumnus Dr. Eytan Modiano (Ph.D., '92); University of Illinois; and Purdue University. The group's research deals with multiple time scales, traffic characteristics, and control of communication networks.
The Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI) is a multi-agency Department of Defense program that supports research teams whose efforts intersect more than one traditional science and engineering discipline. Multidisciplinary team effort can accelerate research progress and hasten the transition of research findings to practical application.
March 23, 2008