In accordance with State of Maryland and federal regulations, the Maryland NanoCenter undergoes a periodic review of rates charged. Our rates must cover the cost of operating and maintaining the facilities. We have always been able to give you low rates to cover the expense of purchasing and running the equipment you need. Our long-term planning process maintains capital equipment and enables a strong working system. We know you appreciate our very qualified and professional staff, as well as our easy-to-use reservation and billing website.
Since FY 09, our rates have increased only about 7% on average over all lab instruments. After a lengthy review by the Sponsored Program Accounting and Compliance (SPAC) team, our lab rates are being adjusted to account for increased operating and maintenance costs due to significant inflation worldwide. While this increase will be higher than our historic rate changes, we will remain more than competitive with other top-ranked and local institutions.
Included here is a summary of the new rates. As a federal service center at an academic institution, we charge only those rates which allow us to cover a part of our operational costs. This change will take effect on January 1, 2024. Until that time, the current rates will remain unchanged. Please take note of the adjustment and include it in your planning budgets and proposals.
Please contact Julianne Short (jmshort@umd.edu) with any questions, comments, or concerns about this rate change.

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