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Former ISR Postdoctoral Researcher Eirini Eleni Tsiropoulou has been named to the IEEE Communication Society's N2Women: Rising Stars in Networking and Communications list. The annual list focuses on 10 women to be aware of who are at the beginning of their careers, who are at most 10 years out from their Ph.D. degree, whether they are a PhD student, postdoctoral researcher, faculty member, or young engineer. The list represents the Society's diversity in experience and in the area of networking/communications.??

Tsiropoulou recently completed her postdoctoral assignment with Professor John Baras’s (ECE/ISR) research group and has joined the University of New Mexico’s Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering as a tenure-track assistant professor in computer networking with emphasis on the Internet of Things and wireless communications. This spring she won ISR's inaugural Susan Frazier Postdoctoral Researcher Travel Award, which helps postdocs defray the travel expenses of presenting research at academic workshops and conferences.

Tsiropoulou earned a Diploma, MBA in techno-economics, and Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens in 2008, 2010 and 2014 respectively. Before coming to Maryland, she was a Senior Research Associate at the National Technical University of Athens and a visiting scholar at the University of Texas at Dallas.

Two of her papers received the Best Paper Award, the first at the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2012) in April 2012 and the second at the 7th International Conference on Ad Hoc Networks (ADHOCNETS 2015) in September 2015. Her main research interests lie in the area of wireless heterogeneous networks, with emphasis on optimization and resource allocation, smart data pricing, Internet of Things, game theory, social recommendation and personalization for multimedia, and demand response management in smart grid networks. She has held leading roles in several research and development proposals and projects funded by the European Commission, in the broader area of autonomic wireless networks, optimization in future internet architectures and multimedia content delivery systems.

About the IEEE Communication Society and N2Women
Networking Networking Women (N2Women) is a discipline-specific community for researchers in the communications and networking research fields. It is an ACM SIGMOBILE program supported by the IEEE Communications Society, Microsoft Research, HP Labs, Google, and IEEE Computer Society (CS) Technical Committee on Computer Communications (TCCC).

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